Employee Credential
About the Credentials
Employee credentials have been in use for more than five years The first ones were issued at the end of 2016, and 2017 was a transitional period during which the criteria for the award of the credential were more focused on work experience. Now, the credentials are subject to the validity of the conditions for obtaining a credential.
The credential is valid for five (5) years at a time and expires unless renewed. . The right of ordination is attached to the credentials, so when the credential expires, the right of ordination also expires. The expiration date will be reflected on the credential card the employee receives. (if the card does not have an expiration date, but has the word “indefinitely” on it, the credential card is valid and does not need to be renewed).
After the refresher training, an electronic credential application form must be completed in order to renew the credential. The credential application form can be found on this page, via the blue Application and Renewal Form button. The credential application form can be found on this page, via the blue Application and Renewal Form button.
Applying for and renewing a credential
To renew your credentials, fill in an online application form, a link to which has been sent to all interested parties.
Application forms must be completed and signed in due time before the expiry date of the mandate. Applications will be considered by the Credentials Committee at its meeting.
The completed application will be sent electronically from the Pentecostal Church office for signature by the applicant and his/her congregational elder representative.
The application is signed both by the credential holder and by a representative of the eldership of his or her home church: the lead pastor, the chairman or vice-chairman of the eldership. You cannot sign your own application on behalf of your congregation; it is always signed by another representative of the elders. Signing is done electronically.
The necessary attachments can be added directly to the application form when submitting the application or alternatively sent by e-mail to: valtakirjat@helluntaikirkko.fi.
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Parish worker
The congregation applies for a parish worker credential for a person doing parish work, such as a parish worker, deacon, evangelist, school worker, or Hyry community worker. . The title under which the credential will be granted is noted on the application.
The following titles are available: parish worker, deacon, evangelist, school worker or Hyry Community worker.
Child and Youth Worker
The congregation applies for a Child and Youth Worker credential for a person who works with children and/or youth The application shall indicate the title under which the mandate is granted.
The following titles are available: child worker, youth worker, child and youth worker, school worker.
The parish and Fida International jointly apply for the credentials of a missionary. The title of the missionary credential is always “Missionary Certificate” and it is usually equated with the church worker credential. . If the title is also ‘Ordained Minister’, it is treated in the same way as a pastor’s credential and has the same criteria as a pastor’s credential.
The congregation applies for a pastoral credential for a person who is engaged in pastoral ministry. If the criteria are met, a pastor’s credential can also be applied for in the area of children and youth ministry, in which case the title is, for example, youth pastor. The application shall indicate the title under which the mandate is granted.
The following titles are available: pastor, youth pastor, pastor for children, pastor for family work, pastor for missionary work, pastor for diaconal work.