Materials for committees and task forces
Committees and task forces prepare broader issues
Ethical and Doctrinal Committee
This committee prepares and drafts ethical and doctrinal statements for the Pentecostal Church and the Pentecostal movement on behalf of the Board.
Multiculturalism Committee
The Multiculturalism Committee, which acts as an expert body on multiculturalism in the Pentecostal denomination, promotes multiculturalism work in Finnish Pentecostal churches, represents the Pentecostal Church in social issues related to multiculturalism, and prepares and drafts statements on multiculturalism issues at the request of the Pentecostal Church Board
Credentials Committee
The Credentials Committee of the Pentecostal Church deals with matters relating to employee credentials and ordination. The committee is made up of representatives from the congregations, the Pentecostal Church, the Pentecostal Church Workers Help Association, the Advisory Elders, Fida International Association and the IK College. The Pentecostal Church is responsible for the work of the commission, the register of the employee’s credentials and its maintenance.
Legal Committee
The committee monitors the social debate and the preparation of legislation from the perspective of the Pentecostal Church and, at the request of the Board, prepares position papers and statements on legal issues.
SHK StartUp Committee
The task of the Task Force is to strengthen the vision of new church planting among Pentecostal congregations and to support new church plants through a broad co-Christian and international networking.
Faith Formation Task Force
The Religious Education Committee is made up of experts in the field of education and training. It monitors, among other things, the role of religious education in schools and other early childhood education.