We are faithful to the authority of the Bible, anchoring our proclamation and action in biblical principles and adhering to the Bible in our doctrine and theological reasoning.
We are faithful to the authority of the Bible, anchoring our proclamation and actions in biblical principles and adhering to the Bible in our doctrine and theological reasoning.
This means that
We emphasize the revelation of God’s grace in Jesus Christ and the participation and influence of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the church.
Pentecostal churches are strongly evangelistic and soul-winning, living in the continual renewing influence of the Holy Spirit and offering a people-centered and nurturing church life.
Pentecostal churches are independent and elder-led.
Pentecostal churches are in a relationship and cooperation with each other that systematically strengthens the internal unity of the Pentecostal denomination.
We are constantly growing through the power of the Holy Spirit and the influence of evangelism, as well as through the new churches that are being born.
The public image of Pentecostalism is clear and strong.
We are a nationally and internationally known and recognized representative and influencer of Pentecostalism.
We coordinate the joint activities of Pentecostal churches.
The religious status of Pentecostals has become clearer and their Pentecostal identity has been strengthened.
Our mission is
To serve and support Pentecostal churches in building up the Kingdom of God,
to strengthen the identity of Pentecostalism and Pentecostal churches,
to create unity and forms of cooperation and structures for Pentecostal revival,
to act as a common organisational structure for local churches,
to represent Pentecostalism in national and international contexts.